Monthly Archives: July 2013

Assistive Touch for Android

floating touch

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been quite a while since my last post guys, but I have been crazy busy with some absolutely enormous changes regarding my professional life.  So, it feels beyond awesome right about now to finally find a moment to sit here and type this.  With that being said, the highlight of my epic (sarcasm) weekend was finding an app whilst browsing the Google Play Store called, “Floating Touch.”

“What is floating touch?”  Well, I thought you’d never ask.  The app is basically the equivalent of the iPhone’s “assistive touch” functionality, only a lot cooler, because it’s completely customizable.  For starters, you can place the button practically anywhere on your screen and also make the expandable menu a variety of colors…whatever suits your fancy.

Here is what mine currently looks like…

floating touch android

floating touch menu android

Basically, when you want to expand the menu, all you have to do is tap the virtual button.   I will admit, until you get used to it, it can be slightly annoying, because it happens to find itself in the wrong spot on your screen occasionally.  For example, when you go to hit send for an email, you actually hit the floating touch button, forgetting that it’s there, but a quick flick of the button to a different area of your screen solves this problem.

You can also customize what options you want to appear in your menu as well.  All customizations are done by launching the actual application, and it’s extremely simple to use.  Well, I’ll let you all try it out for yourselves.  You have nothing to lose, because there’s a free and paid version.  Personally, I’m happy with the free one, and that is what I am using at the moment.  Ladies and gentlemen, I leave you with this…Happy Touching!  Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best way to word it, but you get the idea.

P.S.  Not to change topics, but I have the Verizon Corporate Classic 5K run coming up this Thursday, and guess what new toy I’m Super-Dee-Duper excited to try out…THESE bad boys!  I will have a complete review on them coming shortly.  Stay Tuned!

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