Category Archives: Samsung Galaxy S4

Android 4.3 Auto Complete Isn’t Working

Remember when we actually had to memorize people’s phone numbers?  It wasn’t really thaaaaaat long ago you know.  Of course, we don’t really need to do that anymore, because our Smart Phones do that for us, right?  Well, in short, the answer is yes; however occasionally settings can become reset and leave you scratching your head when pick up your device to text or call someone and your “Smart” Phone isn’t acting so smart anymore.

Do not fret. We will have this little dilemma fixed in no time and have you back to doing more important things with your spare time…like building LEGO® sculptures into replicas of your favorite jersey Shore fist-pumping establishment.    = )

“So what happened?” you may be wondering.  A lot of people don’t realize that when you hit that little button to agree to your software update, your phone’s settings get set back to factory defaults MOST of the time (with all your important stuff still kept intact).  If you’ve recently updated to the latest Android Jelly Bean version 4.3 and have noticed things aren’t quite right, this is most likely the reason why.  This auto complete feature is not enabled by default.

4 Steps to Happiness

1. Open your PHONE application, like you are going to make a phone call.  I know you will be able to find this relatively easy.

2. Click the MENU soft key. Love how this key lights up!!

3.  Choose Settings.  You should be able to see either some version of “settings” or “call settings” displayed.

4. Now here’s the mucho, mucho most important part.  Mike sure Dialpad Auto Complete is enabled.

♥ This SHOULD fix the issue when populating contacts in your phone and texting apps.  If you are still having problems in the texting app, you can try and see if there is a similar setting there.  Unfortunately, I do not have a device updated to the latest Jelly Bean version out, so I can not test it.

I’m still waiting for this push to roll out for my beloved Galaxy Note 2, and I will be posting about what to expect as far as changes go with this new OS release…for those of you wondering if you should hit that little update button or not.  You can in fact, defer till the cows come home, but eventually resistance becomes futile.


How To Enable Hidden Developer Options on Samsung Galaxy S4

Hidden Developer Options Samsung Galaxy S4

While browsing around your new phone, you may have noticed something missing from your shiny, new S4 – the Developer Options Menu.  So if you find yourself saying “Where art thou?” then this post is for you – yes you.

Only modders will find this vanishing act clear as day, while the rest will know something is not quite right when they try to connect their S4 to their computers only to find it “just charging.”  Don’t fret.  It’s there hidden behind a hokey pokey scavenger hunt of sorts.

So why the vanishing act?  Well, Google removed this easy access option, so that the technologically challenged would not mess up their phones.  That is either A. Annoying or B. Genius.  You pick.

So, how can you get it back?  Well, keep reading…

To unlock the Developer Options menu go into SETTINGS > ABOUT DEVICE and Scroll down to BUILD NUMBER.

Now tap on “BUILD NUMBER” 5 TIMES.  You will see a notification pop up saying, “Developer Mode Has Been Enabled.”

Hidden Developer Options Samsung Galaxy S4

Hidden Developer Options Samsung Galaxy S4

Hidden Developer Options Samsung Galaxy S4

If you have made it this far, congratulations!  You’re a developer!  Gold Star for you = )  Don’t get too excited now.

Now, back out of the ABOUT DEVICE menu and you will see DEVELOPER OPTIONS where it should be.  So, you can now turn on USB debugging mode and whatever else you may need. (Note: If you are trying to connect your phone to your computer you will need to enable USB Debugging and Stay Awake).

Hidden Developer Options Samsung Galaxy S4

There you have it.  By the way, the first time I did this, I thought it was so incredibly awesome that I just wanted to get my hands on about 20 different GS4’s so I could do it 20 different times.

Backup Assistant Failed To Read Data From Android Contacts Provider – ERROR CODE 10

Backup Assistant Failed To Read Contacts From Android Provider Error Code 10

A desperate google search for the above error message has probably brought you to this page.  Well, I’m happy to have you here, but I wish it was under slightly better circumstances.  Needless to say, pull up a chair and stick around for a bit, because I’m going to show you how to fix it and reset your Backup Assistant account.

First, go to SETTINGS > APPLICATION MANAGER or APPLICATIONS > ALL and locate the apps listed below.
You will only have 2 out of the 3 (sync services and ONE of the other 2).
  • Backup Assistant
  • Backup Assistant Plus
  • Sync Service

Backup Assistant Failed To Read Contacts From Android Provider Error Code 10Backup Assistant Failed To Read Contacts From Android Provider Error Code 10

Next, FORCE STOP the application, CLEAR DATA and CLEAR CACHE.

Now, you will have to create a new backup assistant account.  Go into SETTINGS > ACCOUNTS AND SYNC > BACKUP ASSISTANT.

When you launch it, it will require a code, but you are not trying to restore your contacts, you are trying to backup the ones you already have on your phone.  So, choose “create new account,” and then choose a password (preferably 4 zeros or something you will remember).  Voila! You have simultaneously created a new backup assistant account and brought about world peace…Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating about the world peace part.